Established in 1980, the magazine is run by a team of dedicated and enthusiastic volunteers. Published bi-monthly, it covers news stories from communities including Ascott under Wychwood, Fifield, Idbury, Leafield, Milton under Wychwood and Shipton under Wychwood.

Chair: Stephen Cornford chair@thewychwood.co.uk

Editor: Bob Forster

Deputy Editors: Michael Rosenblum, Edie Szep

Photographic Editor: Sinead Comerford

Compliance Officer:

Advertising Manager: Edwin Wilson

Secretary: Sarah King

Treasurer: Jennie Trice

Postal Distribution: John Naish

Distribution Manager: David Ensor

Milton Representatives: Keith & Mary Saunders

Shipton Representatives: Terry Wigley, Siân O’Neill

Website Manager: Wendy Morris